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"A vigorous and continuous approach to church planting is the only way to guarantee an increase in the number of believers, and is one of the best ways to renew the whole body of Christ."

~ Timothy Keller


Why plant new churches?

A common misconception connected to church planting is that we are simply planting a new version of the one you know. But the churches being planted today are incredibly diverse in their beginnings, their evolution and their eventual shape just as it was from the beginning. 

What do you mean by a "Church Plant?"

"We already have plenty of churches that have lots and lots of room for all the new people who have come to the area. Let's get them filled before we start new ones."

Common challenges from people to planting new churches ...

"Every church in this community used to be more full than it is now. A new church will just take people from churches already hurting and will weaken everyone."

"Help the churches that are struggling first. A new church doesn't help the existing ones that are just keeping their noses above water. We need better churches not more churches."


Reasons to plant

Networks don’t plant churches. Denominations don’t plant churches. Churches plant churches. Every church, no matter what size church, can be involved in church planting. Churches rarely feel “ready” to start a church; in fact, 90% of North American churches have not planted a daughter church.

Church planting is actually good for your church. Research proves that churches that plant other churches are healthier than those who do not plant. 

You may feel that your church does not have the expertise or the time for church planting. We are here to help. Like Home Depot says:  “You can do it; we can help.”


CPI exists to come alongside those desiring to church plant. You can’t do this alone and we want to walk with you, your calling church, and your Classis in this journey to accomplish the great commission in your community. 

“If you make disciples, you always get the church. But if you make a church, you rarely get disciples.”

~ Mike Breen 3dM

How can CPI

help your church plant a church?

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We are in this TOGETHER

Resonate Global Mission, Classis, the local church and CPI  come alongside the church in partnership.

On every different level of our family of churches, there are partners need to help churches plant churches.  As a bi-national denomination, the Christian Reformed Denomination through Resonate Global Mission provides start up grants, training and global insights to evangelism and planting.  A regional Classis shares a local vision for planting more churches within their region including financial support especially for the early years. And local churches are key partners to either support a new church or by being the sending church for a new planter. 

CPI not only assists churches and Classis to assess the local needs, but also help through coaching, training and mentoring both the planter and the churches who support them.

Be a Sending Church

Churches plant churches. New churches need the stability of an established church. Established churches benefit from the new believer focus and experimental culture of new churches. 


Practically speaking, the sending church offers letter of call and holds ordination of planter papers as well as managing the budget of the plant until they receive charitable status; i.e. receiving donations, paying bills and doing payroll. The Sending Church is also one of the financial partners support for a new plant. 


The decision to be a Sending Church may be a once-in-a-generation challenge to trust God in a Big Way rather than waiting for the perfect conditions that might never happen. Every single church should ask themselves, “If not now, then when? If not us, then who?”

Be a Supporting Church

Becoming a Supporting Church involves a willingness by an established church to commit to both pray for a new church and to bring annually-budgeted or offering-based financial support to a new church. Supporting Churches are key partners to creating the environment for church plant success. Please contact us if you wish to explore being a Supporting Church to a new church.

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